There are two websites I've been watching lately, and I think they are worth sharing. Both are New Hampshire-centric:
NH Prez Watch 2008: This guy is thorough! Every event, every campagin office and state director, endorsements, house parties...GOP &'s ALL here. How DOES he do it?
And, Hillary Clinton's new NH-specific page: Clever. The staff displays photos from NH events, hightlights the towns she has or will soon visit, posts press releases and even counts the questions asked by locals at the events! It's a huge stroke to ego of those in this state who need reassurance that the NH Primary is still relavent and want candidates to state explicitly that Granite Staters are more politically engaged than the average American. What small town Dem wouldn't want to see his or little committee highlighted or her photo with the current front-runner. Nice work, very clever.
I've also noticed that Hillary comes to NH mostly on weekends. I wonder if this is because of her Senate schedule, or if it's part of the strategy to attract more working class voters. Who can make the weekday book-signings, office openings, and round-tables that the other candidates plan? Only certain white collar professionals, the press, retirees, and ladies who lunch. I think only she & Kucinich have been to Dover (and HRC's been to Berlin, too). OK, you can see here that I read & absorbed Scala's book Stormy Weather, so I admit it. Hasn't any one else read it too?