Last week was a whirlwind of activity for the staff, interns, and volunteers on the Edwards campaign in Strafford county. I got to see things close up, and really enjoyed what I saw.
First was the phone banking. I wasn't ready to do it yet, so I sprawled out on the floor of the Dover office and made posters by hand, listening all the while to everyone else making the calls. They made it look so easy and so fun, so maybe next time I'll actually join in. I made some posters that were up at the event and now are up in the office. My partner and kids visited us briefly, and brought birthday cupcakes, which I shared with the staff. The kids drew on the office windows with special markers, which they loved doing.
On Saturday, we took some of those posters and attached them to our trusty old wagon, and walked through downtown Dover toward Henry Law Park. As I posted on Blue Hampshire: I
had to stay in the back, chasing my kids around in the background by the flowers. Let me add that Edwards' events are the most kid friendly of any campaign event I have ever been too (and I do go to a lot of them!). Thank goodness, or I wouldn't get to see anyone! It really helps to be stroller (or in my case, wagon) friendly. Instead of getting dirty looks from staffers (like I have at other's events), I got smiles & waves, "can I take their picture?" and interaction with the kids. Yeah, those were my twins running around on stage while Edwards was shaking hands. Look for them, along with Binx, the Dover Goat, on the JRE website and blog.
Stay cool everyone...