Friday, July 13, 2007

Local Activity Picks Up Again

For a few weeks there it was seeming like no one wanted to venture outside the greater Manchester area. But, things on the Seacoast are picking up again. Hillary had an event planned in Rochester (next town over) for Saturday (her events are always on weekends!) but had to cancel due to Lady Bird Johnson's funeral. But Richardson quickly filled the void in my calendar by planning a few seacoast events for Monday July 16th, including a house party in Dover. So, I will finally see him very soon. And if I find my camera, maybe get a picture.

Bumper stickers and lawn signs are popping up more often here. Huckabee signs have sprouted up in Dover, which prompted Stacey to ask me "who's he?" She's my gauge on how much the average, non-junkie knows. But I still maintain that I see more old Kerry/Edwards stickers than any 2008 ones. I think keeping the sticker on is a form of protest, or proof that the current political climate is not this driver's fault. Every so often I do see an old Dean sticker (god bless the Deaniacs), but I've never seen an old McCain sticker. Yesterday's find topped them all: a "Buchanan '96" sticker on the back of a stop sign, in Madbury NH!

That reminded me of a conversation I had recently with my pal Chris in the UNH Political Science dept. He confessed to being one of those voters I have long known are out there but never found proof of. Registered "undeclared," he likes to select the ballot of the party he doesn't like, and picks the most unelectable, extremist candidate he can. I've flirted with this idea, especially during a reelection (Clinton's 2nd term) but could not bring myself to actually do it. It's tempting to do this time since there are so many good candidates on the Dem side, and I know I will support the Dem nominee no matter who it is, but I won't switch teams. I'm still voting for John Edwards.

And speaking of, Edwards has opened up an office in Dover on Chestnut Street. Great location; right on the bus route & near the Amtrak station downtown, and part of an elderly apartment complex. A stone's throw from Bill Shaheen's office, too. I must drive by 6 times a day! We are seeking donations of office supplies, if anyone is interested. And the campaign has announced a series of issues forum events, one of which will be held in the new Dover office. No candidate, just policy advisors. But it will be fun to see how these things work, too. Stay tuned!

One last pitch, well two: Check out this article, which features a lovely quote from the GraniteProf. And more good news for JRE at