Thursday, November 8, 2007

JRE at HoCo, UNH

I had a personally downer-0f-a-day on Tuesday 11/06/2007, so I decided to treat myself to a campaign event without kids, to lift my spirits and distract me. Good thing my guy was on my campus, in Holloway Commons (aka HoCo) to be exact.

Holloway Commons is the home of the newest & fanciest of the three dining halls on campus. Few students are aware, however, that underneath it, on the 2nd level, are a number of nice function rooms. The 2004 DNC Debate used the same room for press filing & spin (that was the time I was assigned to the Gephardt Rapid Response Team, and scored the now infamous Dean Deck playing cards). So, students in general didn't know exactly where to go. It wasn't a room they ever "happen upon," and therefore there wasn't a lot of buzz in the adjacent crowded MUB. So, student volunteers were dispersed to various high-traffic areas to lure spontaneous attendees, ie "visibility."

The Piscatacqua Room was set for 300 chairs, most of which were filled. It was a nice cross section of students and "grown-ups". I helped out a member of the Press from Voice For America who wanted to interview some students, but that's about all I was good for that day. Unbelievably, Edwards was running AHEAD of schedule. My pals on advance asked me for estimated travel time from Portsmouth to UNH--20 minutes but bridge traffic can make it 40 during the evening commute. They seemed pleased with themselves as they spread the word that he was on his way & on time!
Front Row Seat again, this time tagging along with the Co-Presidents of UNH For Edwards. I had signs for them, of my photoshopped UNH graphic. Edwards wasn't on fire, but he was focused and intense. And damn he looked good--calm, in shape, comfortable in his own skin. Those jeans are hot and I love how he wears the same comfy shoes every time. At one point he scratched his head, temporarily messing his hair. Two seconds later, on its own, it just fell right back into perfect place. So, I am a living witness to dispell the myth that he's not all hairsprayed and coiffed!!

The ceiling in this room is low & I found myself wondering if that has an impact on crowd or candidates. The crowd showed support but not enthusiasm. It was very thoughtful. Anyway, plenty of hand shaking & picture taking after the Q&A. Sarah, one co-pres, swooped in and with Isabel, the other on the opposite side, introduced the both of them, and Edwards' response was "Oh, cool!" and he immediately took hold of part of their sign and turned to me who was poised with cameras in hand. And that's how we got the picture.
Next time, it's with the Wildcat if I have any say.