Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Soap Is On The Way

I just have to get this off my chest, no offense intended (this is cross-posted as a comment on Blue Hampshire, and expanded a bit here)...

Dear Obama Supporters,

I keep reading on the blogosphere that what you love about your candidate is that he offers hope. The Audacity of Hope. But I can't help but think it's been done before. The HOPE theme in presidential campaigns is not new, not unique. Am I the only one who remembers?

To build a campaign around it as a theme to me is recycling at it's worst. Can't we Dems come up with something better? I know many Obama supporters (not all, certainly) are young, and many are clinging to this as a theme of newness & change, but don't you remember1992--A Man From HOPE--or 2004--Hope Is On The Way??

It makes me chuckle after reading Elizabeth Edwards' book "Saving Graces," where her son Jack is on the campaign trail at a hotel with his parents, getting ready for bath night, saying "Soap is on the way!"

Frankly, we could probably use soap in the White House just as much as hope these days...

There, I feel better. Thanks for letting me vent.