Saturday, August 25, 2007

Back To School, NH Style

I am back at work now, pretty much for good. I spent a few hours going through mail & email, but the best part of being back was catching up on gossip. Some unexpected departures, some new arrivals including another new President. I had the chance to meet him Thursday and was pleasantly surprised.

Best gossip of the day was that there was a meeting taking place regarding the upcoming GOP debate to be held at the UNH Whittemore Center, Sept 5th. My sources were telling me that the RNC & Fox et al weren't happy that the Whitt is not air conditioned. Silly UNH; this is a practically brand new facility and they build it without central air. No wonder it hasn't turned a profit yet! (And no wonder Saint Anselm's holds more debates!) But who needs AC for ice hockey? How short sighted. Anyway, the scoop is that UNH is bringing in big, portable and temporary AC for the debates (and the prep days before). At whose cost, I do not know. All I know is that with all that hot air in the room, they are sure going to need it! (Sorry, DJS, I stole your line but it's oh so true.)

In other campus news, the MUB is going thru it's annual start up spruce up. And, this year that means the displaying of their "First In The Nation" photos. This time around there are some new additions (it's been up before, most recently last winter). It's located just in the main entrance, near the info desk. I was happy to see photos from Edwards' visit to UNH this winter, and Obama's, right along side the oldies but goodies: Clintons, Bushes, Gore, Kerry, Reagan, JFK, RFK, Jessie Jackson and a few others. For me, this display was the best back-to-school gift I could get. Well, that and the news that the UNH Dairy Bar is opening up an outpost in the MUB. The view out my office window gets better every year!