Friday, August 31, 2007

Carter on Edwards

The big news on the street (or maybe just the blogs) is that former President Jimmy Carter all but formally endorsed John Edwards yesterday:

Some are arguing whether this is a good thing or not. To me, it's confirmation that JRE's policies are strong and viable.

I've always liked Jimmy Carter and felt that he was under appreciated as president, and has set a very high bar as to what should be done in the post-Whitehouse years. But I read his book, Peace Not Apartheid, this summer, and was ready to quit my job to work for the Carter Center after that (well not really, but close). I know it's a very controversial book, but I felt like it finally told the full story of the middle east...from both sides. It took courage to write it, and I admire that kind of courage.

What's most interesting to me about this almost-endorsement is that there is a New Hampshire connection. Did you catch that in my last post? Who got Carter on the map from being a nobody to winning in NH? And who is running Hillary's campaign now?

Al Gore has made similar, almost but not quite endorsing John Edwards. Now I know I picked the right candidate. Another man I greatly admire who was misunderstood and undervalued while he was in office, rising out of political defeat to continue to fight the good fight. Gosh, I'm a sucker for that!