Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The End Is Just The Beginning

Well, he has finally spoken. John Edwards has endorsed. I'm not sure which news source to site, so I'll go with HuffPo. But I did first see it on, then clicked all over to make sure I was reading it correctly. Yup: John Edwards Endorses Barack Obama.

And in Grand Rapids, Michigan, no less. The most Republican place I have ever been. Home of Gerald Ford & his presidential library, the Dutch Reform Church, Amway, and my grad school pal, Leyla. I hope she was there in the crowd.

So, what happens to JRE's 18 delegates? Will they follow him?? We fans of JRE are very loyal, but I don't see anyone picking a candidate because he says so. But I do bet most of them go O too. That will place Obama within reach of the necessary delegate count. Cool.

I'm so glad that Edwards picked now. Smart move...he gets to paint himself as the big party uniter. He brings some of that 7% from West Virginia, the "hard working white folks" that HRC so eloquently referred to.

Seeing Edwards on the news sites and TV made me realize how much I miss him. I really came to like him, his policies, his style. His fire. His accent and that smile. And of course I miss his staff & supporters. Thanks to everyone who sent me links and announcements, or wrote on my wall this morning.

It's a nice way to end the semester and the primary cycle for me. I'm seeing so many students who worked on campaigns graduate and move on. It's good end-of-academic-year-karma.