We're about to embark on finals week here at UNH. In some ways, I think Hillary is also facing her own Final Exam. And like the ones going on at schools & colleges around the world, one's performance all semester matters. You can pass the final and still fail the course.
So, this may come as a complete surprise to some, but it's not really rocket science. I've changed my mind: I think Hillary should stay in the race until the last primary. No, I haven't changed my mind about her and I still agree with my widget on the chances of her success. I'm thinking about the bigger picture. Like Senator Obama, I am moving on to the general election.
Like my man, I believe she should first do no harm. Having said that, I believe that her staying in the race just a few more weeks allows every state and territory to have what we in New Hampshire get every cycle: A real presidential primary that counts, gets media attention, and most importantly, fires up the state's party machine. I'm thinking GOTV. It seems like every state has reported record numbers of new voters, new Dem voters, as the primary passes through. How's THAT for a 50-state strategy? (well, 48-states since Florida & Michigan are still a bit up in the air.)
Obama will now go into the general with a decent (at the very least) ground game in every state, he will have up-to-date voter & activist lists. AND donor lists. Whether dems agree with the final outcome or not, at least every single state would have voted and had its say. No more whining about NH & Iowa getting all the say. I like that!
And, I do think my work-study student would be a bit ticked off if Puerto Rico didn't have it's chance to vote, even though she's now registered in Massachusetts. If I've learned one lesson this year it is this: it's not women in pant suits you need to fear... never piss off a Puerto Rican woman! ;-)
Good luck on finals to her, and to Hillary as well. Grades, I expect, will be posted on or before June 15, 2008.