I could not stay awake to watch Hillary at the DNC last night, so I had to watch today, after first day of school drop off. My very first thoughts were: Orange suit, interesting choice but it does look nice. Not many white people can pull of orange. She has cheekbones to die for! Secondly, or thirdly I guess, she gets her own FONT (the white signs)! So far all the signs that I've seen are in Obama's font, vertical or horizontal. Not Hillary, she gets script. Interesting!!
Unlike some of the other speakers that I've been able to catch so far, she really knows how to use a teleprompter to make it look less like she's reading and more like she's having eye contact with those in the audience AND those on TV. And no annoying gestures or podium thumping. She's good, that's for sure.
I have to admit, corny as it was, I absolutely LOVED "the sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits" line.
So all the pundits are saying she did what she needed to do. OK, good, so can we move on now? The "divided party" line is getting old, and it's not the story anymore. She lost, and you can blame the media or sexism or her husband or whomever, but she didn't win and we all need to close the book on the primary, and get on with it. It's time to do some campaignin'!
Now I'm looking for a date for Thursday night's big acceptance speech. All my JRE pals and my old Quadrennial Election Party alums (loyal since 1992!) have dispersed, and UNH students aren't back yet. I don't' think I want to go to a public "watch party" alone. I don't have a blogging community like I did during the primary. I can't sit in front of my laptop & cable-less TV alone in the dark any more with only a few Facebook friends to chat with. I promise to stay awake (maybe an extra Diet Coke during the afternoon will help me this time.) Ironically, while cleaning out the kids' playroom this past weekend, I found my old copy of Hillary's chocolate chip cookies from '92; shall I bring some?!
I still regret no seeing Bill's big A Place Called Hope speech, which I missed because I was driving to the Manchester airport to pick up a friend who happened to be coming to visit me from Hope, Michigan. I listened on NHPR instead, getting so teary I missed my exit, but it wasn't the same without the video. I should look for that on YouTube. Well, anyhow, my task in the next 24 hours is to find a watch-date. Or, if you are on Fb, chat me up.
(Update: Just before NH cast ALL 30 votes for Obama, I got my wish. My pal & fellow junkie Colleen will watch together. Coll was at the first Election Party and every one since. We'll be watching for Erin and the other NH delegates while listening to this historic acceptance speech. I'm getting chills already.)