Ok, I'm finally doing it. I've been talking about this for years and it's finally time to jump in the ring. I'm starting my own blog of the view from inside New Hampshire's Presidential Primary.
I'll start with an admission: I'm a political junkie. Specifically, since moving to NH in 1988 I've been addicted to this First In The Nation thing. Growing up in Massachusetts (yes, I'm a recovering Mass-hole), I thought the whole thing was silly, overrated. One primary later, I was hooked.
I make it my goal to see every candidate--big name & unknown, red/blue/otherwise. I work at UNH in Durham, and am housed right next door to the MUB & Holloway Commons, the two buildings most likely to hold an event, candidate, debate, etc. I'm lucky enough to be able to scoot out & see anyone who's here most of the time. ;) And I really do have a front row seat. Off the top of my head, these are the candidates I have seen (some I've just seen in person or in passing, some I've heard speak) since living here: Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Joe Leibermann, John Kerry (tall!), John McCain, Howard Dean, Dick Gephart, Gary Baurer, Wesley Clark (handsome!), Carol Mosely-Braun (short!), and more that you probably forgot even ran. I keep all my press passes and tickets in my office, right next to my ticket to the Dukakis Victory Party. ;-)
But my favorite thing to watch are the handlers & press that come with each new candidate. I love the White House press corps, bomb-sniffing dogs, staffers dressed in black who think NH is too cold and there's no good food here. I volunteer at debates and events to watch this dog & pony show as much as the candidates themselves. I've been interviewed by our local PBS station, and have been at the taping of Good Morning America when they filmed here. (My job was setting up the green room, and supervising my staff who stoked the fireplace for Charlie Gibson.)
So, who am I? Google me if you care that much. Like one third of voters here, I'm a registered INDEPENDENT. No, that doesn't mean I flip/flop or have fear of commitment. I suspect that I'm like most NH Voters in choosing independent status because it's none-of-your-business. It's part of that Live Free or Die thing. I get everyone's campaign lit & junk just so I know what everyone is saying about each other. No one owns my vote and shouldn't think of me as an automatic vote in their pocket. Everyone has to work for it equally. Welcome to New Hampshire!
I know I'm not alone here. New Hampshirites really do love this stuff. We not only expect, but we DEMAND to see candidates in person, up close before voting for them. And we do get our way. Why should we get the first primary? Why not?? We are hyper-engaged. Do you know anyone in other states as excited for Presidential Debates as we are here, now?
Folks are starting to come so I'm starting to write. The big buzz here is WHERE these debates will be April 4 & 5. Nothing is on the UNH calendar yet, but I'm watching. I missed John Edward last week, so now I'm scouring...I'm ready. I've got the front row seat: bring 'em on!