Senator Obama is setting up his exploratory committee, surprise surprise. He got such a superstar welcome when he was here last month. What's bugging me is this is that he & Hillary Clinton are constantly cited by the national media as being front runners, especially in NH.
I can't speak for the whole state, and no one should dare try, but let me tell you that I have not met ONE person who wants Hillary to run. The most liberal of voters think she's gone too central (too Hawkish, and what's up with supporting the ban on flag burning?). Centrist or others have no interest in revisiting the "vast right wing conspirarcy" years. Don't get me wrong, if there is anyone I'd want to be the first woman president in the White House, it would be her. And who wouldn't want Bill Clinton as the first First Husband? No one beats Hillary in fundraising, too. But, no Democrat or Independent I can find here wants her baggage. And no one wants to hand the Republicans such a juicy target.
So, a request to the media: when you say Hillary is a front runner, please give your source. Because we up here in NH want to know "says who?" Nothing can kill a candidate faster in New Hampshire than outsiders telling us they know what we think. Why else would Patrick Buchanan ever win an election (did you really think we were that dumb?)? Yup, that's another Live Free or Die thing. Think you know us? Dare ya!