A first hand account, up close and personal, of the New Hampshire Presidential Primary, by one little voter watching out her office window.
Friday, March 30, 2007
"I Spy"
Yesterday I was at work, trying to get something done but not being too successful, when I got a few emails from various sources reminding my about the Edwards Town Hall meeting on Monday, like I could even try to forget it. One was from Susie, who was working "advance", which I've come to understand as meaning she gets to a site beforehand to get things rolling, create good energy, gather volunteers, etc. So I decided to go find her, and went to the MUB (our student union), and found her in a hearbeat. Didn't even need to ask her if she was the person who just emailed me. Just said "Hi, I'm Paula." That cracked her up.
There's something about presidential campaign staffers that make them stick out even when they are trying not to. At least they stick out to those of us who've seen a lot of them. Cell phone, maybe a Blackberry or a laptop, black clothes, self-importance. To Susie's credit, the last 2 didn't apply. But you can always tell when a candidate is coming or is close by.
But now I'm totally intrigued by this job, the Advance person. What sort of background or degree do you need (oh, the career counselor in me always needs to know what major?). How would you ever get started? I wonder if first you must come to NH and see if you can say "I Spy a Winner." Hmmm
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Edwards Event at UNH on Monday!
WHAT: A town hall with John Edwards and special guest Elizabeth Edwards
WHEN: Monday, April 2, 2007, 6:30pm
WHY: To hear John Edwards discuss his plans to change America.
WHERE: University of New HampshireMemorial Union Building (MUB) - Granite State Room83 Main StreetDurham, New Hampshire
*Parking is available and will not be ticketed after 5:30pm in Lot B for the event.This event is free and open to the public. Please let us know if you plan to attend by clicking here:http://johnedwards.com/r/8987/754157/For more information visit www.johnedwards.com/events, email EdwardsNHEvent@gmail.com or call 603-459-9070.
Anyone wishing to volunteer at the event should come to the MUB on Sunday evening at 5pm for a meeting in the Food Court Area. :)
Thanks Paul & Susie for the info.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Big week approaching, No April Fools!
It's been a bit slow here since the last blitz. Easter recess must be coming up in Congress, so I'm sure things will liven up a bit. Bill Shaheen has been in the news a bit about comments related to deal-making with the Clintons, but it's not big news to most people. Of course he'd wheel & deal in an effort to make sure his good deeds don't go unnoticed. More about that on Blue Hampshire's Blog.
Monday, March 26, 2007
I'm Coming Out
This is a small state, so of course while I didn't know anyone, I knew them. One was the very friendly and warm Laurie, who knows Stacey and the Little Harbour community well. She was a big leader in the Edwards 2004 campaign, and it's clear why. And the other was the owner of Stone Environmental, the firm we hired to help us with the stupid scraps of leather we found buried on our property (that's in my home improvement blog http://360.yahoo.com/pauladinardo). They all did a great job of making me feel welcome, easing in into the group, and exciting me about this campaign.
My original intent of this blog was to report on all candidates that I see or hear, especially those that come to UNH. But now I guess I'll have to own up to my own bias. I want John Edward! NEVER have I committed this early; like all my friends in the Granite State. We wait, and allow the candidates to charm us or piss us off. I think I made up my mind in 2004, about 2 seconds after I walked out of the voting booth. I voted for Howard Dean, but I found myself hoping the John Edwards wins. This time, I'll be doing more than hoping! And being involved might be a good way to get into a few more events or debates. ;-)
PS: If you aren't a fan of JRE, please pick up Elizabeth Edwards' book Saving Graces. Between the tears, she will win your heart AND your mind.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Team Edwards
Tonight's meeting with the Edwards' NH State Campaign Chair is still on. Did I mention that? His name is Paul Dunn (I will google him later). The meeting is in Portsmouth and I intend to be there.
Full report tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
NH State Campaign Chairs
Tomorrow night, I'm attending a meeting in Portsmouth where I hope to meet the state chair for the Edwards campaign. I was secretly hoping it was going to be Shaheen. Bummer. These are the names I was given (by email from Laurie McCray) for his state folks, not one of which is familiar to me:
Paul Dunn (field for seacoast in 2004) is now state field director. I've been working with Matt Spence up until now and he is asst state political director. State director is Beth Leonard, state political director is James Katz.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Edwards & the LGBT Vote
"...But right now, Edwards is the best candidate for the GLBT community (even
Coulter thinks so ;-)
That made my day. Thanks, JRE.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
NHIOP and Me
Barack Obama will be in the state (Keene area & Manch) this coming weekend, but I have bigger news: I may finally get to see the NHIOP in person. Anyone want to play hookie with me? It is spring break, after all...
You're invited to join John Edwards this Thursday for a major policy speech outlining his plans for bold change for America. He will discuss the need for transformational change in our policies and politics, and in the way America leads the world, including ending poverty in the U.S. and combating world poverty.
WHAT: A major policy address by John Edwards
WHEN: This
Thursday, March 15th at 11:30 am
WHY: To hear John Edwards present his
vision for change in America and around the world.
WHERE: New Hampshire
Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College100 Saint Anselm Dr.Manchester, NH
This event is free and open to the public. For more information please call 603-459-9070 or go to www.johnedwards.com/events. We hope you will be able to join us for this important event!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
"First, Second, Third in the Nation"
Wednesday April 11, at 7 p.m.
Durham Town Library, Mill Road Plaza
This talk examines New Hampshire's role in the presidential nomination process, the impact of frontloading, and the potential impact of the new Democratic primary schedule for 2008.
Speaker: Dr. Andrew Smith is the Director of the UNH Survey Center. The Survey Center is a non-partisan, academic, public opinion research center for governments, not for profits, and faculty researchers. Dr. Smith is also an Associate Research Professor in the UNH Department of Political Science. The Survey Center is nationally known for its election polling and has consistently conducted the most accurate polling in New Hampshire elections.
ALSO in the news today: the APRIL debates at Saint Anselm College have been moved to JUNE. I'm not happy, since UNH was offered BOTH first, and declined due to bad academic conflicts in April.
Two Letters
Friday, March 9, 2007
Stormy Weather Lessons
- It doesn't matter if you win or loose, as long as you do "better than expected."
- For this reason, being a front-runner this early out is not a desirable place to be.
- Momentum is ellusive, but if you get that, you've got what it takes.
- A Dem can't win NH unless he/she is equally well supported in educated/elite towns or zones (Hanover, Durham) as well as working class hubs (Berlin, Manchester, Somersworth). Elite-only seems to be the kiss of death.
So I'm recommending this book to my fellow Primary Junkies. The history of primaries in general and NH in particular should be understood by all New Hampshirites. And, it was kinda fun to see the name of Stacey's WMRHS Junior Prom date mentioned and quoted so much. ;-)
Friday, March 2, 2007
Recap & Recoup
So, to review, thus far I've seen in person (in order of appearance): Dodd, Kucinich, Obama, Clinton, and Edwards. All Dems. I'm eager to see Richardson. I do want to see Romney & Guiliani and hope they don't continue to avoid this area (Romney has so obviously been visiting only the very red, rich, republican towns). In my playbook, John Edwards is in the lead but it's so early that it's almost unfair to say that outloud. We all know from Primaries Past that anything can happen! I reserve the right to change my mind until the very last second, when I put magic marker to paper (yes, real PAPER ballots; I've never voted on a machine!!) when I vote in the New Hampshire Primary!
Time for a break, but I will keep scanning all my sources for more visits and will keep you posted! I'm bringing Dante Scala's book Stormy Weather with me to keep from having Primary Withdrawal. ;-) After just a few pages I was hooked! I love that this whole craziness started as a result of Yankee Thrifiness: schedule the primary on the same day as Town Meeting and save the money & hassle of two town civic events. I love it!
When the book arrived from Amazon, Griffin looked at the cover and said "why are that horsie (the Dem's donkey) and that elephant (GOP) fighting over the country?" Oh, out of the mouths of babes!