Nine o'clock is my bedtime, so I wasn't planning to watch the Dem Debate at Dartmouth. But, I couldn't sleep last night so I ended up watching the debate in full on NECN, and since I was alone, I participated in the live blogging on the Edwards Blog. That wasy fun, and it sure beats watching alone in silence, talking to my TV.
Whoa, go John, go. I was trying to determine if I was biased in my assessment of his performance, so I heard/sought the opinions of two colleagues. One pal whose wife works at Dartmouth and is teetering between Edwards & Obama, definitely leaned Edwards after the debate, especially on the fire in the belly on issues. Obama just wasn't "on" last night. The other opinion was gathered by listening to The Exchange on NHPR today. Thank you, Dante, for your comment, and I'm paraphrasing here: If you were just starting to tune in and didn't know much, you'd see Edwards and Biden as the two primary challengers to Hillary. Obama wouldn't even be in the picture. So, after the disappointing statewide poll released by UNH a few days ago--in which Edwards is solidly in 3rd and not tied for 2nd in NH----this was a great thing to hear. [I should be more careful about what I wish for.]
So, now today...The MTV/MySpace forum at noon in the UNH Field House. Then the Carsey Institute policy forum on the Rural Recovery Act, both starring John Edwards. He'll be on fire after such a great performance last night, so this should be awesome. I'm going to try to spend my lunch hour there...we'll see. I can at least check out the visability outside, which is always fun. Let's hope the student group, UNH for Edwards, can do some major student recruiting today. (I'm now their official fac/staff advisor, which they are required to have as a UNH Registered Student Organization, hence the new knock-off logo.)
More later...