Wednesday, September 10, 2008

O, Ye of Little Faith

Panic not, dear friends.  Despite what you may be reading in the MSM, Obama is doing just fine, thanks.  But in case you don't believe me, here are some things to note:

National polls don't matter.  Sounds familiar, right?  Just like in the primary, this is not a national race for the popular votes.  The primary was a race for delegates.  THIS is a race for electoral votes.  Like it or not, the electoral college is what matters.  You can bet that the folks who delivered Iowa and the caucus states are paying attention to the right map.

11 million new registered Democrats.  Yes, 11 million.  That's how many people registered to vote during the prolonged primary season.  Check your favorite recent poll and see if the methodology reflects that number.  Polls have quotas or goals to reach to be scientifically useful, that much I did learn in stats: equal or similar numbers of D, R, I registered voters, control for income, gender, education level.  Sounds fair, unless it's not.  And Team Obama has made registering new voters a major goal of his campaign, and has dedicated major resources to it.  

So, no need to panic.  Just focus.  And stay tuned on exactly what you can do to make a difference!