So, to all those friends of mine who are still reeling from this insulting pic of a VP and, here are some ideas of what you can do with all that angry energy to put Palin back in Alaska, where she belongs:
First and foremost DONATE!! Don't just talk, ActBlue! Or support your favorite candidate directly: Obama, Shaheen, Shea-Porter. Buy a supporter shirt or hat and WEAR IT! Or support your party, or state party. If you are so inclined, donate to a 527 as well (such as
WRITE a letter to the editor of your local or school newspaper. Or post a comment on a news site or blog. DEMAND that Palin answer questions from voters and the press. Remember how appalled people were when Hillary didn't take questions in NH (or some were scripted)? Well, Palin's silence is absolutely unacceptable. And let's move the discussion back to the ISSUES, such as the economy.
VOLUNTEER. I know what you are going to say. "I hate calling/canvassing." I know, me too. So, do something else. Get a lawn sign, offer to do some viz. Put on a bumper sticker. Offer to do office work or something else at your local field office. Bake them something yummy!! Bring them some office supplies.
Help REGISTER NEW VOTERS. I'm sure your local field office has lots of ways you can do this. It's fair & festival season--maybe you can sit at a table and help sign folks up. Remind your family & friends who may be overseas or in the military to get an absentee ballot and send it in!
SPREAD THE WORD. Yes, gossip. We've all read the stories and blogs (Mudflats has become my new personal fav). Forward the links, tell your friends. Fact check things before you forward them, just for your own credibility.
ATTEND any and all rallies, on both sides of the aisle. YES: go see the McCain-Palin scripted events if you can. Get interviewed by local media and tell them Gov. Palin needs to take questions from VOTERS, just as all the other candidates did during the NH Primary, so WE can vet HER!
Just please DO SOMETHING! Don't sit on that anger & outrage. Put it to good use. Do something about it, so that you don't wake up the day after the election (like in 2000 & 2004) and say "I could have done more!"