I'm now convinced that I can't blog from home, so I waited until work (no holiday at UNH today!) to finish my wrap up of Hillary's visit to Dover:
The talk all over NH has been how she refused to say she was wrong to vote to authorize the war with Iraq. In a ballsy & very smart move, she faced the question head on when asked point blank why she refused to apologize. "If the most important thing to you is choosing someone who did not cast that vote or said his vote was a mistake, there are others to choose from," she said. "To me, the most important thing now is to try and end this war."
In NH, this answer will get her way more respect than any apology would, I think. It shows she can't be pushed around, and she won't cave to public opinion. Gutsy move. I know it worked for me; I left with more respect for her than I entered with.
And as far as the kids go: they loved her. They heard her say the word "preschool" (regarding funding early education) and were sold. Then she talked about diplomacy vs. war, and when I told them she was saying she'd use her words instead of fighting, that sealed the deal. Annie wants me to vote for her because she's a girl but I told her I won't do that. Maybe...