Thursday, February 8, 2007

Manchester is NOT the only place in NH!

I need someplace to go with my rant this morning. So much for yesterday's high...

I just read on the WMUR website that four more debates have been set (2 in October 2007, 2 for January 2008), and ALL will be held in Manchester. Add to that the two debates this April at Saint Anselm College, and that brings the total to six debates all in the same general place.
I think this is an outrage, and I am fit to be tied!

Of course it hits me personally because I've volunteered at every debate at UNH in the past 3 primaries. But also because it keeps the candidates, the staffers, the press all in one place. It taps the same resources for volunteers, catering, etc. It cuts off other communities from access, and sharing the spotlight (and income from housing, feeding, and hosting these guests). It keeps the University out of it, which means our students miss a great opportunity to see this close up. And Keene, Plymouth students as well? Colby Sawyer in the Lakes region?

I would think that the small, local clubs like Strafford County Democrats and all their sister organizations, would want a chance to host as well. Surely there are other locations that can support the event?

Anyway, not sure where I'm going with this. I need to dig a bit & find out if UNH was even offered this time (we were offered both in April, but declined both). But I am hoping to raise a few voices in protest, and let folks know there's more to NH than just Manch-Vegas.