The posters were intended to be preserved for the party, but each kid decided to hang one above their bed, even covering some of the new glow-in-the-dark stars we hot-glued on last month. That is how much they liked these posters.
So here I am today, stopping by the MUB table for the College Dems, thinking I'd seen it all. When what should appear? TATTOOS. Yes, 2" circular temporary tattoos that say, in that Gotham font I adore, "Yes We Can." I am SO giving these out for trick-or-treating!
This campaign is over the top in so many ways. Maybe it's a waste of money, but you can be certain that the Obama will not be looking at leftover millions on the first Wednesday after the first Monday in November (like John Kerry, 2004).
And speaking of... while I was at that table, I learned that not only is Hillary in Dover NH today, but DNC Chairman Howard Dean is coming to the UNH MUB soon, Senator John Kerry this weekend, and an as-yet-unnamed/big name surrogate after that.