A third New Hampshire poll came out again over the weekend (I'm working on refinding that link), again putting Obama about 10 points ahead of McCain in the state. As my friend who has a PhD in Physics once said to me "two points do not make a data set." So, now we have three points. There you have it.
With a very strong incumbent Democratic governor (most people can't even name Lynch's opponent!), two members of the House that are Dems, and a statehouse now dominated by Dems, NH is not turning Blue, it is already Blue. If Jeanne Shaheen is elected to the Senate (as I believe she will), and Carol Shea-Porter & Paul Hodes fend off their challengers (which I believe they will), Senator Judd Greg will be the Lone Republican in Congress from NH. That is something.
In other news, Joe Biden was scheduled to appear in Rochester & Manchester NH today. But, he has cancelled due to the death of his mother-in-law. It's no surprise that they'd send Joe to these former mill towns, both of which I find depressing as you may already know. His message & style will fit right in. He cancelled his only UNH appearance last spring, too, so I've never seen him in person. I hope that when he reschedules, he comes at a time when those regular workin' folks are able to attend, and not 10:00 on a Monday morning!