Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Check In: 4:00pm

What a gorgeous day in NH today! Great weather, overwhelming turn out, high energy, and loads of civic engagement.

I just finished up my afternoon of phone banking (at least until the general election, maybe). I had the list of supporters and leaners again, so it was a pretty good way to end my time as a Primary Activist. I thanked a lot of people for voting, no matter who they voted for. I met some fun people from out-of-state, and hung with some very loyal supporters I met this summer & fall.

The energy in the Dover Edwards office was excellent. I took a few pics which I will upload tomorrow. Folks are tired to be sure, but they never waivered. As I left they were gearing up for the visability for the evening commute (I need to go get my kids, feed them, etc.), and last minute GOTV for the working folks.

I've decided to drive to Manchester, which means I won't be on-line again until tomorrow.

So we shall see...New Hampshire: What Say You?