Friday, January 4, 2008

NH Rising

Before I delve into Iowa Caucus outcomes, I do want to clarify yesterday's post, and admit that I am not always 100% accurate on my memory. So don't quote me exactly. As I was driving by the Dover Elks today on my way to work, I was recalling 1992. Was it Primary Eve or General Election Eve that Bill was there?? What I remember most clearly is the soundbite in a hoarse voice: "I'll work my heart out for you." That spoke directly to me and all my friends gathered in my apartment for my first election party, and brough us to tears. And it's mostly that charisma that makes me excited to see Bill today at UNH.

OK, on to Iowa for a minute. I was half right, I guess. And an optimist such as myself would conclude that my glass is half full. IMHO, Hillary did tank. That's an important victory for a lot of people--the early coronation and inevitability needed to end and the good people of Iowa did that for us. Thank you!!

Of course I am bummed that it was Obama over Edwards for the lead. But I am very pleased with a second place showing. Edwards is not out, and hopefully the MSM will start covering him like the top tier candidate he is. I still have my doubts about Obama connecting to the working class voters in the Granite State. And I predict Edwards will carry the north country.

Lest I forget: the Republicans. We all know by now that NH does not share the religious fervor that midwesterners do. We're more private about that, and also that Libertarian streak in our Republican Party is loud & clear. So, it isn't going out on a limb when I predict a Huckabee crash. It's McCain vs. Romney, and I think I'm leaning toward a win for McCain. Ron Paul will be in the top three, for sure. I think...

Back to my drive in this morning: more mushrooms popping up overnight. In the 9 miles between home & UNH, there were too many new signs to count, all stuck haphazardly into snow banks. First Edwards' NH Rising signs, then Obama, then Hillary. And a whole bunch of new Kucinich too. When I drove past the Hillary Regional HQ, they were loading some XL signs into an SUV.

So, all eyes are on NH now. Hi!! Thanks for tuning in.