Thursday, January 3, 2008

Iowa Today, NH Tomorrow!

It's caucus day in Iowa, and all eyes may be on Iowa for the moment, but folks are gearing up in New Hampshire for the collective change of focus eastward tomorrow (or if you are covering John McCain, tonight).

A student working in the MUB emailed me first thing this morning with news of Bill Clinton coming to UNH tomorrow (Friday 1/04/08), 4pm in the MUB Granite State Room. The only confirmation I found was an internal MUB scheduling site, but that's enough for me.

I do love Bill. I still kick myself for missing the 1992 event at the Dover Elks Club, where he made the now-famous comment on the night before the NH Primary: "I'll be with you until the last dog dies." I've been secretly waiting for another candidate, anyone, to come to the Elks just so I can be in that space. And, guess who is coming?? Yes, Edwards. And yes, on Primary Eve!! What a good omen, in my opinion. Team Hillary should have grabbed the space and played up the connection as she did when she came to Dover High in the spring. Her loss, my gain. Here's what I know: Monday, January 7, 2008 - 7:15pm, Dover Rally with John Edwards @ Elks Lodge 184282 Durham Road, Dover, NH. RSVP

On NH Prez Watch, I found this teaser, with no dates or details:

From The Edwards Campaign: The following Vermont leaders support John Edwards, will work to ensure he wins the Vermont primary and will also travel to NH on January 5th to hand out free ice cream and help build campaign momentum:

-Former Vermont State Senator and 2006 Lt. Governor Candidate Matt Dunne

-Vermont State Senate Majority Leader John Campbell

-Ben & Jerry’s co-founder Ben Cohen

-Vermont attorney and activist Kevin Leahy

What else? Things are really picking up in the Granite State. And isn't it nice that GraniteProf is back from grading final exams, and ready to blog as well as field all our questions & media calls.

And, lastly, I'm taking suggestions as to how/where to spend NH Primary Night?? As for the day, I offered it to Justin & Mike, and they have me booked, starting at 5:30am. I've got to make the most of it...the high has to last me another 2-3 years!