Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Noonish check in from Team Edwards, Dover NH:

Turn out is unbelievable all over NH. And the first results are in off course. Dixville Notch, home of The Balsam's Resort (grand hotel) has a tradition of opening their polls at mid-night. They are a small town & everyone votes at that time. Well, the big news from my perspective is this: NO votes for Hillary on the Dem side. That's right, Obama 1st, EDWARDS 2nd!! This is by no means representative, but it sure is symbolic.

Back to Dover. I took the kids voting around 9am. As much as Annie likes Obama, she switched back to Edwards this morning. On the way to the polls we saw a sign for Duncan Hunter. Griffin said, "Who's that? I've never seen him!!" Listening to them today made me so proud. They understand that voting is important, that our leaders values matter, and that being in New Hampshire means you pay attention to what's going on in our country. I always get a little choked up when I take them voting. Then they start hiding in the curtains, and it's back to my regular mom-voice.

One of the many things I LOVE about voting in NH is that we do NOT use any electronic voting devices. Paper & a writing implement!! It used to be pencil, and was a big deal (to me anyway) when we went to felt-tip marker. At one point we drew a line to complete an arrow pointing at the chosen candidate. Now we fill in the oval, SAT style. What a feeling of satisfaction. I love handing it in, and marching over to the booth to change my status back to UNDECLARED immediately.

The Edwards office, BTW, was buzzing all morning with hoards of canvassers & callers. I had the good fortune of being assigned a call list of strong supporters and leaners. My calls were quick & upbeat: THANKS! My big news now is this: An NH group call "Draft Al Gore NH" decided to endorse EDWARDS.

At this rate, I am now, at 1:28pm, seriously considering driving to Manch-Vegas tonight to attend the Edwards Party. Hopefully, it will be a celebration!!

OK, back to my duties. See you tonight. Watch for us on TV.